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The Minerva Center


Israeli researchers



Bar-David, Shirli

The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Keywords: Spatial ecology, ecological genetics, conservation biology

Personal website 


Genin, Amatzia

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat 

Keywords: Zooplankton vertical migration, fish Movements

Personal website


Hawlena, Dror

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Keywords: Prey-predator interactions, nutrient cycles, stress and fear ecology, herpetology.

Personal website


Izhaki, Ido

Haifa University

Keywords: Seed dispersal by birds, pollination, bird migration, animal foraging

Personal website


Kadmon, Ronen

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

Keywords: Seed dispersal, population and community level consequences of movement

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Klafter, Yossi (Co-Director)

Tel Aviv University (President)

Keywords: Theories of anomalous diffusion and various random walks

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Lotem, Arnon

Tel Aviv University

Keywords: Behavioral decisions in birds, learning, game theory, sexual selection

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Nathan, Ran (Director)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Keywords: Movement ecology, seed dispersal, mechanistic models, bird migration, foraging, navigation

Personal website


Saltz, David

The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Keywords: Social interactions of large mammalian herbivores, movement ecology, conservation biology

Personal website


Sapir, Nir

Haifa University

Keywords: Bird migration, animal flight, movement ecology

Personal website 


Spiegel, Orr

Tel Aviv University

KeywordsMovement ecology, animal behavior, individual variation, foraging, exploration, conservation

Personal website


Toledo, Sivan

Tel-Aviv University

Keywords: Fast computational algorithms, external memory exploitation, wireless sensors, wildlife telemetry 

Personal website


Ulanovsky, Nahum

Weizmann Institute of Science

Keywords: Neurobiology, animal navigation, spatial memory, echo-locating bats

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Vortman, Yoni

Tel Hai College

Keywords: Evolution, behavioral ecology, sexual selection, mate choice, speciation, invasive species

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Weiss, Anthony

Tel Aviv University

Keywords: Signal processing

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Yeredor, Arie

Tel Aviv University

KeywordsStatistical signal processing and estimation theory, linear-algebraic tools in signal processing

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Yovel, Yossi

Tel Aviv University

Keywords: Computational biology, animal navigation, spatial memory, bats

Personal website



Introduction to movement ecology

General concepts and framework


Analysis Tools

Sample Applications

Related Groups and Resources

PNAS 2008 Special Feature


Affiliated Journal