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The Minerva Center


Relevant scientific and non-scientific publications arising from the activity of the Minerva Center for Movement Ecology are listed below. The publications in the following list were selected to meet all of the following criteria: (1) authored by MCME members and/or their students and post-doc fellows since the establishment of the center in 2012; (2) directly relevant to movement ecology and/or movement-related topics, as declared by the MCME objectives and topics; and (3) published in peer-reviewed, international journals, conference proceedings and books. MCME members (including students and post-docs supervised by MCME members since 2012) are indicated by underlined bold letters. An asterisk indicates a publication explicitly acknowledging support from the MCME.   



  1. Bialer O, Raphaeli D, Weiss AJ. 2016. Location estimation in multipath environments with unsynchronized base stations.  The Ninth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016.
  2. Bialer O, Raphaeli D, Weiss AJ. 2016. Two-way location estimation with synchronized base stations. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64: 2513-27
  3. *Centeno-Cuadros A, Abbasi I, Nathan R. 2016. Sex determination in the wild: a field application of loop-mediated isothermal amplification successfully determines sex across three raptor species. Molecular Ecology Resources (in Press, DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12540)
  4. Efrat R, Shani G, Gutman R, Sapir N. 2016. Does saline water consumption affect feeding and fuel deposition rate of a staging, long-distance migrating passerine? Journal of Avian Biology 47: 378-85
  5. *Feldman Turjeman SCenteno-Cuadros ANathan R. 2016. Isolation and characterization of novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for the white stork (Ciconia ciconia): applications in individual–based and population genetics. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 39: 11-6
  6. Flack A, Fiedler W, Blas J, Pokrovsky I, Kaatz M, Mitropolsky M, Aghababyan K, Fakriadis I, Makrigianni E, Jerzak L, Azafzaf H, Feltrup-Azafzaf C, Rotics S, Mokotjomela TM, Nathan RWikelski M. 2016. Costs of migratory decisions: a comparison across eight white stork populations. Science Advances 2: e1500931
  7. Geva-Sagiv M, Romani S, Las L, Ulanovsky N. 2016. Hippocampal global remapping for different sensory modalities in flying bats. Nature neuroscience 19: 952-8
  8. Greenbaum G, Templeton AR, Bar-David S. 2016. Inference and analysis of population structure using genetic data and network theory. Genetics 202: 1299-1312
  9. Halperin T, Carmel L, Hawlena D. 2016. Movement correlates of lizards' dorsal pigmentation patterns. Functional Ecology (In Press, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12700)
  10. *Harel R, Duriez O, Spiegel O, Fluhr J, Horvitz NGetz WM, Bouten W, Sarrazin F, Hatzofe O, Nathan R. 2016. Decision-making by a soaring bird: time, energy and risk considerations at different spatiotemporal scales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (In Press)
  11. *Harel RHorvitz NNathan R. 2016. Adult vultures outperform juveniles in challenging thermal soaring conditions. Scientific Reports 6: 27865 (DOI: 10.1038/srep27865)
  12. *Hol FJH, Rotem O, Jurkevitch E, Dekker C, Koster DA. 2016. Bacterial predator-prey dynamics in microscale patchy landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 283 (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2154).
  13. Kapota D, Dolev A, Bino G, Yosha D, Guter A, King R, Saltz D. 2016. Determinants of emigration and their impact on survival during dispersal in fox and jackal populations. Scientific Reports 6: 24021 (DOI:10.1038/srep24021)
  14. Keynan O, Ridley AR, Lotem A. 2016. Task-dependent differences in learning by subordinate and dominant wild Arabian babblers. Ethology 122: 399-410
  15. Kiat YIzhaki I. 2016. Moult strategies affect age differences in autumn migration timing in East Mediterranean migratory passerines. PLoS One: e0147471 (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0147471)
  16. Kiat YIzhaki I. 2016. Non-moulted primary coverts correlate with rapid primary moulting. Journal of Avian Biology (In Press, DOI: 10.1111/jav.00939)
  17. Kiat YIzhaki I. 2016. Why renew fresh feathers? Advantages and conditions for the evolution of complete post-juvenile moult. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 47-56
  18. Kiat YIzhaki ISapir N. 2016. Determinants of wing-feather moult speed in songbirds. Evolutionary Ecology: 1-13
  19. *Orchan YOvaskainen O, Bouten W, Nathan R. 2016. Novel insights into the map stage of true navigation in nonmigratory wild birds (Stone Curlews, Burhinus oedicnemus). American Naturalist 187: E152-E65
  20. Resheff YSRotics SNathan R, Weinshall D. 2016. Topic modeling of behavioral modes using sensor data. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 1: 51-60
  21. Roeleke M, Blohm T, Kramer-Schadt S, Yovel YVoigt CC. 2016. Habitat use of bats in relation to wind turbines revealed by GPS tracking. Scientific Reports 6: 28961 (DOI:10.1038/srep28961)
  22. *Rotics S, Kaatz M, Resheff YSTurjeman SFZurell DSapir NEggers UFlack A, Fiedler W, Jeltsch FWikelski MNathan R. 2016. The challenges of the first migration: movement and behaviour of juvenile vs. adult white storks with insights regarding juvenile mortality. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 938-47
  23. Tirer TWeiss AJ. 2016. High resolution direct position determination of radio frequency sources. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23: 192-6
  24. *Toledo SKishon OOrchan YShohat ANathan R. 2016. Lessons and experiences from the design, implementation, and deployment of a wildlife tracking system. Proceeings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Science, Technology and Engineering (SWSTE) Beer Sheva, Israel, 2016
  25. *Turjeman SFCenteno-Cuadros AEggers URotics S, Blas J, Fiedler W, Kaatz M, Jeltsch FWikelski MNathan R. 2016. Extra-pair paternity in the socially monogamous white stork (Ciconia ciconia) is fairly common and independent of local density. Scientific Reports 6: 27976 (DOI: 10.1038/srep27976)
  26. Tzafri LWeiss AJ. 2016. Application of capon method to direct position determination. ICT Express 2: 5-9
  27. Tzafri LWeiss AJ. 2016. High resolution direct position determination using MVDR. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (In Press)
  28. *Weller-Weiser AOrchan YNathan RCharter MWeiss AJToledo S. 2016. Characterizing the accuracy of a self-synchronized reverse-GPS wildlife localization system. The 15th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '16), Vienna, Austria, 2016 (best lecture award).
  29. Zidon R, Leschner H, Motro U, Saltz D. 2016. Endozoochory by the Persian fallow deer (Dama mesopotamica) reintroduced in Israel: species richness and germination success. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution (In Press)




  1. Arditi GWeiss AJYovel Y. 2015. Object localization using a biosonar beam: how opening your mouth improves localization. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150225 (DOI: 10.1098/rsos.150225).
  2. Bar-Shalom OWeiss AJ. 2015. Direct emitter geolocation under local scattering. Signal Processing 117: 102-14
  3. *Barton PS, Lentini PE, Alacs E, Bau S, Buckley YM, Burns EL, Driscoll DA, Guja LK, Kujala H, Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Mortelliti A, Nathan R, Rowe R, Smith AL. 2015. Guidelines for using movement science to inform biodiversity policy. Environmental Management 56: 791-801
  4. Berger-Tal OBar-David S. 2015. Recursive movement patterns: review and synthesis across species. Ecosphere 6 (DOI: 10.1890/ES15-00106.1)
  5. Berger-Tal O, Embar K, Kotler BP, Saltz D. 2015. Everybody loses: intraspecific competition induces tragedy of the commons in Allenby's gerbils. Ecology 96: 54-61
  6. Buchin K, Sijben S, van Loon EE, Sapir N, Mercier S, Marie Arseneau TJ, Willems EP. 2015. Deriving movement properties and the effect of the environment from the Brownian bridge movement model in monkeys and birds. Movement Ecology 3: 18 (DOI: 10.1186/s40462-015-0043-8)
  7. Charter M, Leshem Y, Izhaki I, Roulin A. 2015. Pheomelanin-based colouration is correlated with indices of flying strategies in the Barn Owl. Journal of Ornithology 156: 309-12
  8. Cvikel N, Berg KE, Levin E, Hurme E, Borissov I, Boonman A, Amichai E, Yovel Y. 2015. Bats aggregate to improve prey search but might be impaired when their density becomes too high. Current Biology 25: 206-11
  9. Cvikel N, Levin E, Hurme E, Borissov I, Boonman A, Amichai E, Yovel Y. 2015. On-board recordings reveal no jamming avoidance in wild bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 282 (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2274)
  10. Finkelstein A, Derdikman D, Rubin A, Foerster JN, Las L, Ulanovsky N. 2015. Three-dimensional head-direction coding in the bat brain. Nature 517: 159-U65
  11. Geva-Sagiv M, Las L, Yovel YUlanovsky N. 2015. Spatial cognition in bats and rats: from sensory acquisition to multiscale maps and navigation. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16: 94-108
  12. *Giotto N, Gerard J-F, Ziv A, Bouskila A, Bar-David S. 2015. Space-use patterns of the asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus): complementary insights from displacement, recursion movement and habitat selection analyses. PLoS One 10: e0143279 (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0143279)
  13. Keynan O, Ridley AR, Lotem A. 2015. Social foraging strategies and acquisition of novel foraging skills in cooperatively breeding Arabian babblers. Behavioral Ecology 26: 207-14
  14. Kolodny O, Edelman S, Lotem A. 2015. Evolution of protolinguistic abilities as a by-product of learning to forage in structured environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 282 (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0353)
  15. Kolodny O, Edelman S, Lotem A. 2015. Evolved to adapt: a computational approach to animal innovation and creativity. Current Zoology 61: 350-U179
  16. Kolodny OLotem A, Edelman S. 2015. Learning a generative probabilistic grammar of experience: a process-level model of language acquisition. Cognitive Science 39: 227-67
  17. Kounitsky P, Rydell J, Amichai E, Boonman A, Eitan O, Weiss AJYovel Y. 2015. Bats adjust their mouth gape to zoom their biosonar field of view. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112: 6724-9
  18. *Pekarsky S, Angert A, Haese B, Werner M, Hobson KA, Nathan R. 2015. Enriching the isotopic toolbox for migratory connectivity analysis: A new approach for migratory species breeding in remote or unexplored areas. Diversity and Distributions 21: 416–27
  19. Resheff YSRotics SNathan R, Weinshall D. 2015. Matrix factorization approach to behavioral mode analysis from acceleration data. IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 2015.
  20. *Spiegel OHarel RCenteno-Cuadros A, Hatzofe O, Getz WMNathan R. 2015. Moving beyond curve fitting: using complementary data to assess alternative explanations for long movements of three vulture species. The American Naturalist 185: E44-E54
  21. *Toledo S. 2015. Evaluating batteries for advanced wildlife telemetry tags. IET Wireless Sensor Systems 5: 235-42
  22. Truskanov N, Lotem A. 2015. The importance of active search for effective social learning: an experimental test in young passerines. Animal Behaviour 108: 165-73
  23. Zaburdaev V, Denisov S, Klafter J. 2015. Levy walks. Reviews of Modern Physics 87: 483-530
  24. *Zurell DEggers U, Kaatz M, Rotics SSapir NWikelski MNathan RJeltsch F. 2015. Individual-based modelling of resource competition to predict density-dependent population dynamics: a case study with white storks. Oikos 124: 319-30




  1. Bar-Shalom OWeiss AJ. 2014. Emitter geolocation using single moving receiver. Signal Processing 105: 70-83
  2. Berger-Tal O, Nathan J, Meron E, Saltz D. 2014. The exploration-exploitation dilemma: A multidisciplinary framework. PLoS One 9: e95693 (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0095693)
  3. Berger-Tal OSaltz D. 2014. Using the movement patterns of reintroduced animals to improve reintroduction success. Current Zoology 60: 515-26
  4. Cooper WE, Jr., Perez-Mellado V, Hawlena D. 2014. Foraging by the omnivorous lizard Podarcis lilfordi: effects of nectivory in an ancestrally insectivorous active forager. Journal of Herpetology 48: 203-9
  5. *Damschen EI, Baker DV, Bohrer GNathan R, Orrock JL, Turner JR, Brudvig LA, Haddad NM, Levey DJ, Tewksbury JJ. 2014. How fragmentation and corridors affect wind dynamics and seed dispersal in open habitats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111: 3484-9
  6. Enosh IWeiss AJ. 2014. Outlier identification for TOA-based source localization in the presence of noise. Signal Processing 102: 85-95
  7. Geva-Sagiv M, Weiss S, Las L, Ulanovsky N. 2014. Switching between sensorymodalities and flight directions alters 3-D spatial codes in bat hippocampus. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 53: S51-S
  8. Greenbaum G, Templeton AR, Zarmi Y, Bar-David S. 2014. Allelic richness following population founding events: a stochastic modeling framework incorporating gene flow and genetic drift. PLoS One 9: e115203 (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0115203)
  9. Greif S, Borissov I, Yovel Y, Holland RA. 2014. A functional role of the sky’s polarization pattern for orientation in the greater mouse-eared bat. Nature  Communications 5: 4488 (DOI:10.1038/ncomms5488)
  10. Gueta T, Templeton AR, Bar-David S. 2014. Development of genetic structure in a heterogeneous landscape over a short time frame: the reintroduced Asiatic wild ass. Conservation Genetics 15: 1231-42
  11. *Horvitz NSapir N, Liechti F, Avissar R, Mahrer I, Nathan R. 2014. The gliding speed of migrating birds: slow and safe or fast and risky? Ecology Letters 17: 670-9
  12. *Horvitz N, Wang R, Zhu M, Wan F-H, Nathan R. 2014. A simple modeling approach to elucidate the main transport processes and predict invasive spread: river-mediated invasion of Ageratina adenophora in China. Water Resources Research 50: 9738-47
  13. Jean OWeiss AJ. 2014. Geolocation by direction of arrival using arrays with unknown orientation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62: 3135-42
  14. Jean OWeiss AJ. 2014. Passive localization and synchronization using arbitrary signals. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62: 2143-50
  15. Jean OWeiss AJ. 2014. Synchronization via arbitrary satellite signals. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62: 2042-55
  16. Jean OWeiss AJ. 2014. Using direction of arrival arrays with unknown orientation. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Gold Coast, Australia, 2014.
  17. Kan I, Motro YHorvitz N, Kimhi A, Leshem Y, Yom-Tov Y, Nathan R. 2014. Agricultural rodent control using barn owls: is it profitable? American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96: 733-52
  18. Kolodny O, Edelman S, Lotem A. 2014. The evolution of continuous learning of the structure of the environment. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 11 (DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2013.1091)
  19. Nathan R, Nathan O. 2014. Unlikely yet pivotal long dispersals. Science 344: 153-4
  20. Polak T, Gutterman Y, Hoffman I, Saltz D. 2014. Redundancy in seed dispersal by three sympatric ungulates: a reintroduction perspective. Animal Conservation 17: 565-72
  21. *Resheff YSRotics SHarel RSpiegel ONathan R. 2014. AcceleRater: a web application for supervised learning of behavioral modes from acceleration measurements. Movement Ecology 2: 27 (DOI: 10.1186/s40462-014-0027-0)
  22. Rubin AYartsev MM, Ulanovsky N. 2014. Encoding of head direction by hippocampal place cells in bats. The Journal of Neuroscience 34: 1067-80
  23. Samuni-Blank MIzhaki I, Gerchman Y, Dearing MD, Karasov WH, Trabelcy B, Edwards TM, Arad Z. 2014. Taste and physiological responses to Glucosinolates: seed predator versus seed disperser. PLoS One 9: e112505 (DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0112505)
  24. Sapir NHorvitz N, Dechmann DKN, Fahr J, Wikelski M. 2014. Commuting fruit bats beneficially modulate their flight in relation to wind. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 281 (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0018)
  25. Sapir NHorvitz NWikelski M, Avissar R, Nathan R. 2014. Compensation for lateral drift due to crosswind in migrating European Bee-eaters. Journal of Ornithology 155: 745-53
  26. *Shohami DNathan R. 2014. Fire-induced population reduction and landscape opening increases gene flow via pollen dispersal in Pinus halepensisMolecular Ecology 23: 70-81
  27. Sidi AYWeiss AJ. 2014. Delay and doppler induced direct tracking by particle filter. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 50: 559-72
  28. *Toledo SKishon OOrchan YBartan YSapir NVortman YNathan R. 2014. Lightweight low-cost wildlife tracking tags using integrated transceivers. In 6th European Embedded Design in Education and Research Conference. Milan, Italy, 2014
  29. *Trakhtenbrot A, Katul GG, Nathan R. 2014. Mechanistic modeling of seed dispersal by wind over hilly terrain. Ecological Modelling 274: 29-40
  30. Tzoreff E, Bobrovsky BZ, Weiss AJ. 2014. Localization based on signal structure. IEEE 8th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM)
  31. Tzoreff E, Bobrovsky BZ, Weiss AJ. 2014. Single receiver emitter geolocation based on signal periodicity with oscillator instability. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62: 1377-85




  1. Bar-Shalom OWeiss AJ. 2013. Transponder-aided single platform geolocation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61: 1239-48
  2. Berens DG, Griebeler EM, Braun C, Chituyi BB, Nathan RBöhning-Gaese K. 2013. Changes of effective gene dispersal distances by pollen and seeds across successive life stages in a tropical tree. Oikos 122: 1616-25
  3. Bialer O, Raphaeli D, Weiss AJ. 2013. Maximum-likelihood direct position estimation in dense multipath. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62: 2069-79
  4. Buchmann CMSchurr FMNathan RJeltsch F. 2013. Habitat loss and fragmentation affecting mammal and bird communities: the role of interspecific competition and individual space use. Ecological Informatics 14: 90-8
  5. Cohen TM, Narkiss T, Dolev A, Ben-Ari Y, Kronfeld-Schor N, Guter A, Saltz D, Bar-Gal GK. 2013. Genetic diversity of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) population in Israel. Journal of Heredity 104: 192-201
  6. Davidson A, Carmel Y, Bar-David S. 2013. Characterizing wild ass pathways using a non-invasive approach: applying least-cost path modelling to guide field surveys and a model selection analysis. Landscape Ecology 28: 1465-78
  7. Dorchin A, Filin I, Izhaki I, Dafni A. 2013. Movement patterns of solitary bees in a threatened fragmented habitat. Apidologie 44: 90-9
  8. Haran R, Izhaki I. 2013. Two major autumn migration strategies of Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus in the eastern Mediterranean Basin. Ringing & Migration 28: 98-105
  9. Meroz Y, Sokolov IM, Klafter J. 2013. Test for determining a subdiffusive model in ergodic systems from single trajectories. Physical Review Letters 110
  10. Nathan RGiuggioli L. 2013. A milestone for movement ecology research. Movement Ecology 1: 1 (DOI: 10.1186/2051-3933-1-1)
  11. Nathan RShohami D. 2013. Dispersal. Oxford Bibliographies
  12. Pe'er G, Saltz D, Muenkemueller T, Matsinos YG, Thulke H-H. 2013. Simple rules for complex landscapes: the case of hilltopping movements and topography. Oikos 122: 1483-95
  13. Samuni-Blank M, Arad Z, Dearing MD, Gerchman Y, Karasov WH, Izhaki I. 2013. Friend or foe? Disparate plant-animal interactions of two congeneric rodents. Evolutionary Ecology 27: 1069-80
  14. Samuni-Blank MIzhaki I, Dearing MD, Karasov WH, Gerchman Y, Kohl KD, Lymberakis P, Kurnath P, Arad Z. 2013. Physiological and behavioural effects of fruit toxins on seed-predating versus seed-dispersing congeneric rodents. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 3667-73
  15. Spiegel OGetz WMNathan R. 2013. Factors influencing foraging search efficiency: why do scarce lappet-faced vultures outperform ubiquitous white-backed vultures? The American Naturalist 181: E102–E15
  16. Spiegel OHarel RGetz WMNathan R. 2013. Mixed strategies of griffon vultures' (Gyps fulvus) response to food deprivation lead to a hump-shaped movement pattern. Movement Ecology 1: 5 (DOI: 10.1186/2051-3933-1-5)
  17. Ulanovsky NYartsev M. 2013. Representation of three-dimensional space in the hippocampus of freely flying bats. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 51: S125-S6
  18. Yartsev MM, Ulanovsky N. 2013. Representation of three-dimensional space in the hippocampus of flying bats. Science 340: 367-72



  1. Bialer O, Raphaeli D, Weiss AJ. 2012. Efficient time of arrival estimation algorithm achieving maximum likelihood performance in dense multipath. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60: 1241-52
  2. Buchmann CMSchurr FMNathan RJeltsch F. 2012. Movement upscaled: the importance of individual foraging movement for community response to habitat loss. Ecography 35: 436-45
  3. Caplat P, Nathan R, Buckley YM. 2012. Seed terminal velocity, wind turbulence, and demography drive the spread of an invasive tree in an analytical model. Ecology 93: 368-77
  4. Eliazar I, Klafter J. 2012. A probabilistic walk up power laws. Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters 511: 143-75
  5. Jean OWeiss AJ. 2012. Convex joint emitter localization and passive sensor network synchronization. IEEE 7th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), 2012
  6. Kremer A, Ronce O, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, Guillaume F, Bohrer GNathan R, Bridle JR, Gomulkiewicz R, Klein EK, Ritland K. 2012. Long-distance gene flow and adaptation of forest trees to rapid climate change. Ecology Letters 15: 378-92
  7. Nathan R, Klein EK, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, Revilla E. 2012. Dispersal kernels: review. In Dispersal and Spatial Evolutionary Ecology, ed. J Clobert, M Baguette, TG Benton, JM Bullock, pp. 187-210. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  8. Nathan RSpiegel O, Fortmann-Roe S, Harel RWikelski MGetz WM. 2012. Using tri-axial acceleration data to identify behavioral modes of free-ranging animals: general concepts and tools illustrated for griffon vultures. Journal of Experimental Biology 215: 986-96
  9. Picard JS, Weiss AJ. 2012. Theoretical facts on RSSI-based geolocation. IEEE 27th Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI), 2012
  10. Picard JS, Weiss AJ. 2012. Time-delay and doppler-shift based geolocation by semi-definite programming. Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2012
  11. Picard JS, Weiss AJ. 2012. Time difference localization in the presence of outliers. Signal Processing 92: 2432-43
  12. Samuni-Blank MIzhaki I, Dearing MD, Gerchman Y, Trabelcy B, Lotan A, Karasov WH, Arad Z. 2012. Intraspecific directed deterrence by the mustard oil bomb in a desert plant. Current Biology 22: 1218-20
  13. Spiegel ONathan R. 2012. Empirical evaluation of directed dispersal and density-dependent effects across successive recruitment phases. Journal of Ecology 100: 392-404
  14. Steinitz O, Robledo-Arnuncio JJ, Nathan R. 2012. Effects of forest plantations on the genetic composition of conspecific native Aleppo pine populations. Molecular Ecology 21: 300-13
  15. Steinitz O, Shohami D, Ben-Shlomo R, Nathan R. 2012. Genetic consequences of fire to natural populations. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 58: 205-20
  16. Yartsev MUlanovsky N. 2012. Three-dimensional spatial representation in the hippocampus of freely flying bats. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 48: S126-S7


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