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The Minerva Center

Analysis tools


The analysis of movement data requires a wide set of analytical tools. Relevant tools are incorporated into biology from various disciplines including physics (e.g., random-walk models), mathematics (e.g., Markovian processes), and statistics (e.g., generalized mixed models). Examples of the application of these tools can be taken from the modeling workshops given at the Hebrew University in the summer of 2012 and winter of 2014 (see past activities). An upcoming workshop on Env-DATA is planed for February 2016 (see forthcoming events). We call on developers to contact us to add links to existing tools available today. We also aim to develop and share new tools for analyzing movement data, to be presented in this webpage in the future.


A few recent examples of analysis tools:


Introduction to movement ecology

General concepts and framework


Analysis Tools

Sample Applications

Related Groups and Resources

PNAS 2008 Special Feature


Affiliated Journal